Jumat, 05 April 2013

Tugas IV Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Raden Mahardhika P.U
Kelas : 3EB03
NPM : 25210516

Should goverment spend more money on improving road and highways or should goverment spend more money in improving public transportation ( buses, trans, subway ) why ? use spesific reason and details to develup your essay .


I think the government adds to the highway had to be done, because it opens up space for the other areas that have not been crossed. But the name was an increase in public transport is more important than building more roads.

I think, with the expansion of the highway that was built by the government of passing vehicles will also be more and more. New problems arise, namely air pollution, gasoline supplies should be added. Just imagine all the people who work the use of private vehicles, will be how crowded the streets.

But if public transport is improved, the effect will be felt. The streets are no longer bogged down, reduced air pollution, reduced gasoline usage. It all could make a friendly nature.

Most people who pick up private vehicles on the highway is because public transport facilities are not convenient. Not to mention the criminal acts that happen to make people increasingly do not want to take the public transportation. They think they are safe and comfortable ride than the destination place private car to bear the risk in public transport.

For example, the streets in Jakarta since 1990 until today has not changed significantly, but the vehicle is present here since it increases sharply. What happened? Yes Jakarta bad as perceived today.

First implemented the program in case of public transport carried up from the first by improving facilities such as vehicles and stop supporting her then Jakarta would not be like this.

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